Health Awareness, Information & Education

Health Talks, Seminars and Retreats

We believe in effective preventive health care for your human capital. Our wellness talks and seminars are designed to inform, educate and develop delegates’ awareness and provide scientific proofing and internal motivation to build and sustain healthy living, an enhanced self-concept and a healthy competitive and cooperative spirit in institutional and corporate human capital members.

At Dr. Jack’s Wellness, we believe both staff and management should endeavor to ensure that everyone in the organization is healthy, energetic, happy and fully engaged in a manner mutually supportive for system’s efficiency, in order to create and sustain a happier and more productive work environment for all. 

Wellness Assessments

A wellness assessment is a great way to get a snapshot of your start-up and training enhanced wellness profiles. It includes a series of measurements that help determine your physical conditional status, are a great way to gauge your on the job performance ability and determine your general fitness level. A Wellness Assessment includes:
A Biometric Evaluation;
A Physical Fitness Assessment;
and a Functional Capacity Appraisal.

It is a great tool to measure staff and leaders’ general performance capability.

Stress Management

Revitalise your senses and refresh your mind!                                                                                                                                Stress management refers to the wide spectrum of techniques and psychotherapies aimed at controlling a person’s levels of stress, especially chronic stress, usually for the purpose of improving everyday functioning. Without stress management, all too often your body is always on high alert. Stress is a normal psychological and physical reaction to the ever-increasing demands of life, and all of us experience challenges with stress at one time or another. Over time, high levels of stress lead to serious health problems.

In looking at the causes of stress, remember that our brain comes hard-wired with an alarm system for our protection. When it perceives a threat, it signals our body to release a burst of hormones to fuel our capacity for a response. This has been labeled the “fight-or-flight” response. Once the threat is gone, our body is meant to return to a normal relaxed state. But unfortunately, the nonstop stress of modern life means that our alarm system rarely shuts off and our thermostat is always stuck at hot. That’s why stress management is so important. It gives us a range of tools to reset our alarm system.

Executive Wellness

Leaders are the social, political, economic, financial and religious engines that drive the lives and well-being of organizations, institutions and nations. They take decisions and risks that can make or mar their organizations. Weighty responsibilities are routine. They are exposed to rare pressures and demands that blur borders between work and rest. Skills and vigor to function effectually at this level are in short supply. Leadership Wellness is thus a serious issue to give adequate attention to.

Nutrition Counselling

We adopt a total‐diet approach which broadens the client’s understanding of healthy eating as it considers food patterns. All foods can fit within a healthy food pattern, if consumed in moderation with appropriate portion size and combined with regular physical activity. We strive to communicate healthful‐eating messages to the public that emphasize a balance of foods and our dietary advice promotes variety, proportionality, moderation, and gradual improvement.

Worksite Wellness

Worksites have the opportunity to encourage positive health behaviors and help prevent health risks for chronic degenerative diseases like diabetes, stroke, heart disease, kidney failure, etc. We design worksites programs that keep employees safe and encourage healthy living during the workday. A positive wellness culture in the workplace contributes to the physical, mental, and emotional well-being of workers and enhances Quality Work, Optimum Productivity and Quality Living.

Karate, Taekwondo & Self-Defense

Whatever is their foundation, code of ethics or philosophy, all martial arts are inundated in a catalogue of comparable techniques and skills that are categorized as martial arts basics. This holds true for traditional martial arts and modern mixed martial arts styles.

Some martial arts basics include striking, kicking, sweeping, punching, slapping, poking, parrying, evasion tactics, footwork, elbow and knee strikes, as well as different types of stances and postures that reflect defensive or attacking positions and maneuvers. Other basic skills from specific styles include takedowns, throws, head butts, grappling, choking, rolling, ground techniques, wrestling, joint manipulation, stomping, submission
holds and striking vital target areas of the body.

Mastering martial arts basics is usually accomplished through techniques and skills acquisition, development, repetition, stabilization, application, as well as the practice of forms, patterns, sparring or fighting and self-defense. Martial arts training gives you self-confidence, self-control, a good self-concept as well as peace of mind to decrease your vulnerability and increase your survivability in a world that is becoming increasingly violent.

Instructors Training & Certification

Our Instructor Training Programs have been carefully developed to train trainers at varying levels of skills and expertise. Learning and rehearsing fundamental teaching skills is the first step in building a successful career as an instructor. Our courses focus on teaching and helping participants develop the skills and knowledge expected of a good instructor and trainer.

They also provide those attending a thorough overview of the current methods and theories of training development and instructional techniques used in performance training and the Wellness Industry.

Who should enrol for this?
All those wishing to enter into Performance and Wellness Training at all levels, both in formal and informal situations.
At the end the courses, attendees will have a working knowledge of the requirements to:

  • Plan, develop, and write training objectives.
  • Develop and write lesson plans.
  • Develop training aids.
  • Explain, Demonstrate and Correct Skills and Techniques.
  • Build and maintain good presentation skills.
  • Define and conduct evaluation and testing methods.
  • Course of instruction include instructor-led presentations, with learners’ involvement and
    participation as key method of learning.

Course of instruction include instructor-led presentations, with learners’ involvement and
participation as key method of learning.

Wellness Retreats

The goal our of rehabilitation is to restore a patient to the fullest, physical, mental, social, and vocational potential possible by facilitating physical therapy for optimal independence for patients with complex orthopedic dysfunction or for those recuperating from cardiac and stroke conditions, all of which could potentially lead to significant disability.

Post-traumatic dysfunction can successfully be addressed by means of focused rehabilitation, and successful rehabilitation results in reduced healthcare costs and burden of care. Physical therapy and other interventions are structured in accordance with the needs identified in the initial assessments, which measure functioning across the major functional areas. Appropriate referrals are made accordingly. And thereafter follow-up assessments are arranged to ensure maintenance of improved health status.

Post-Traumatic Rehabilitation

A Wellness Retreat is a purposefully designed and executed program of therapies and activities by leading health and wellness experts to restore the wellbeing of their clients, with the focus on personal healing and physical, mental, emotional, social and spiritual renewal.

Its main purpose is to enhance balance and harmony between the three major and co-equal components of wellness and wellbeing, namely, the Structural/Physical component, the Nutritional/Chemical component and the Emotional/Mental component. This is to ensure that they work in a manner mutually supportive for system’s efficiency in order to achieve optimal wellbeing.

Lifestyle Medicine

Lifestyle Medicine is the use of evidence-based lifestyle therapeutic interventions including a whole-food, plant-predominant eating pattern, regular physical activity, restorative sleep, stress management, avoidance of risky substances, and positive social connection, as a primary modality to prevent, treat, and often reverse chronic

Lifestyle Medicine is Essential to Sustainable Health and Healthcare because the rise in chronic disease trends and related healthcare spending the world over is simply unsustainable. Type 2 diabetes alone is a looming global pandemic with incalculable consequences.

But the good news is that 80% or more of all healthcare spending in countries like the U.S. is tied to the treatment of conditions rooted in poor lifestyle choices. Chronic diseases and conditions such as hypertension, heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes, obesity, osteoporosis, multiple types of cancer are among the most common, costly and preventable of all health conditions which are effectively prevented, stopped and
reversed by lifestyle protocols.

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